If your anything like me when your working you get to 3.00 pm and that tired washed out feeling comes along like clock work.

I instantly go oh yeah coffee time and reach for something sugary as a pick me up, but this probably just makes my blood sugar rise then crash causing more tiredness.

So I found some great information on how to beat this 3.00pm slump and turn it on its head.

1. Eat a nutritious breakfast

Have a breakfast packed full of nutrition. Starting the day off right with a nutritious breakfast helps our bodys blood sugars to stabilise. Something simple like weetbix with blue berries and low fat yogurt or eggs on toast are simple but effective breakfasts.

2. Keeping yourself Hydrated

Ensuring to drink enough fluids is important to stop that mid afternoon slump if your not much of a water person like me adding some fresh fruit to your water helps with this.

3. Have a mid afternoon snack

Instead of diving for the chocolate biscuits or sweet treats try avocado and cheese on crackers, an apple, or some nuts as healthy alternatives that will stabilise your blood sugars.

4. Go for a walk

Get that blood pumping around your body again and if its possible get some fresh air this will clear your mind to continue your day.

5 Getting enough quality sleep at night

Getting 7-8 hours a night of good sleep is important for our body to rest and recover from the events of the day. This will also help with the afternoon tiredness.

Hopefully these tips help you all to beat that afternoon slump and become energetic productive people again.

Charmaine 2021