Take a deep breath and relax you deserve it. As someone who is constantly on the go and busy, I sometimes forget to take time for myself to relax. I went on a search for some tips to make you go from OMG to OM in a matter of minutes.

1. Breathe Deeply

Taking 5 minutes out of your daily routine and focusing on your breathing aids in lowering of stress and heart rate.

2. Be present

In your surroundings - Slow down and smell the flowers not sure if you all have heard of this saying? but it actually is a fact, by slowing down and being aware what's happening around us this helps our bodies to recentre again.

3. Reach out to family and friends

Reaching out to people who are closest to us helps us to relax sharing a laugh or funny thing that has happened in each others days reduces stress levels fast.

4. Crank up your favourite music

Listening to music reduces stress levels and relaxes the mind, find your favourite soothing tunes sit back and relax.

5. Go for a 30 minute walk

Exercise is our biggest stress relief as a human. Just 30 minutes a day is enough to release endorphins, clear the mind and has the added benefits of keeping weight in control.

Hopefully these tips help everyone to chill and relax. Taking time out for ourselves each day is important for us for our mind, body and soul.

Charmaine 2021