The past year and a half has been a bit of a rough one health wise for me.

I had my gallbladder removed last year after a large stone was blocking my bile duct and even a year and a bit on from my surgery I wasn't feeling myself and had put on some weight which I am not proud of.

I basically thought my body had stopped working properly for me and instead of giving up, I decided to do some research about how I could kick start not only my metabolism but also lower the inflammation in my body and get my energy back.

I have always been a lover of smoothies but I was probably putting in too much ingredients or not quite the right combination of fruits and vegetables to get the desired results.

After some research, I found the below smoothies to be of the most health benefits for me and by adding a little yoghurt or milk to them it gave a calming sensation to my stomach and this combined with a Keto diet i'm starting to lose weight and have regained my energy again.

Four x Smoothie Recipes Below, I tend to have a smoothie in the morning but also after dinner as a dessert is nice also.

Recipes are based on a ninja smoothie maker can adapt if you have a bigger blender.

Blueberry Smasher

1/2 cup of Blueberries

1 Banana

4-5 spinach leaves

1/4 cup almond milk or low fat milk

1 tablespoon of LSA protein

(Linseed, Sunflower and almond)

Blend together until smooth.

Blueberries are high in antioxidants and vitamins, the banana gives you potassium and the spinach gives you iron. Combined with the protein powder gives you a super healthy smoothie a great start to your day.

Immune Booster Smoothie

1 x Orange

1/2 Lemon

2 x slithers of real ginger

1-2 teaspoons of manuka honey

1 x Kiwifruit

2 tablespoons of Greek yoghurt

1/4 cup almond milk or skim milk

Blend together until smooth.

This is my immune booster Smoothie. My recipe and have found it has really helped me in the past when I'm feeling rough and or sick from colds and viruses.

The orange lemon and Kiwifruit have high vitamin C levels and combined together pack a powerful punch. The honey soothes your throat and the ginger and yoghurt calm your stomach. Try this one in winter when you feel under the weather gets you back up and running in no time.

Energiser Smoothie

1/2 cup mixed berries

2-3 slices of mango

1/2 banana

1/2 apple

1/2 cup of water

1 tablespoon of low fat yoghurt (plain if possible)

2 tablespoons of protein LSA (Linseed, Sunflower and Almond)

Blend together until smooth

A great smoothie if you have a gym workout or run in the morning. The combination of fruit provides you with the energy you need to start your day. Bonus the protein powder will help your muscles too.

Green Healthy Smoothie

1/4 cup spinach

1/4 cup kale

1/4 of a cucumber

1/4 of an avocado

2 tablespoons of pineapple

1 tablespoon of Greek yoghurt

1/4 cup of skim milk or almond milk

Blend until smooth -

This is a great smoothie to get your vital greens in your diet enriched in iron and vitamins - a great detox smoothie too.

The pineapple gives it some added sweetness.

These are my four x favourite go to smoothies but there are many more.

I also find trying different fruits and vegetables together to get your desired taste and vitamins is a personal choice.

These four leave me with energy and have made my digestive system more calmer.

Try smoothies today you won't look back and will be surprised at how you feel.

Charz 2022
