Resilience is the capability you have to recover quickly from difficult situations that arise in your every day life and the ability to spring back and put actions in place to feel okay about the situation.  Rather than panicking and feeling out of control, I think a lot of that comes from being prepared should the worst happen.

By adjusting our mental, emotional and behavioural flexibility we can adjust and take on challenges that are presented to us, with a calmness and take actions and steps to feel okay again.

With the Natural disasters happening around the planet lately for example - By having resilience this will help us to overcome and move forward with action and I believe a key requirement we all need to withstand and get through these times.

In one of my previous jobs in Hamilton I worked for a company called Livestock Improvement.  At the time we were going through company changes and they provided us with a course on resilience.  The course was brilliant and taught me key skills so I felt in control under the circumstance that was happening and was able to adapt through changing the way I thought about the situation I was in.  Remember nothing is permanent and change is inevitable.

Whether the change in our lives is from a natural disaster, a change in job, a relationship breakup or work stress.  Using key resilience tools we can face the challenge head on and get through situations quicker without it impacting our daily lives too much.

If it is work and there a lot of changes happening speak to your Manager and get them to arrange a resilience course for company staff members.  If it is a relationship break up by thinking positively and surrounding yourself with friends and family you will get through it and just know it wasn’t meant to be.  If it is a change in job just remember that every job takes a while to train and that new feeling doesn’t last very long.  And if it is a natural disaster listen to local authorities, have a plan to keep you and your family safe and just know it is out of your control.

By building our resilience this will give us a strong force around us to cope through any situation.

