I came across Live Brew Probiotic drink on Instagram a few weeks ago and was curious how it could help me.

I have had digestive issues for a number of years now and having tried alot of prebiotics and probiotics some made a slight difference, but I was looking for a product that would calm down my digestive system and help me comfortably eat again. Which in a matter of a few short weeks this product has completely settled my digestive system and my stomach can now even tolerate some fatty foods without the pain I was getting before, it truly is a remarkable product.

The taste of this product is a little sharp and strong, but if you drink it in small amounts at a time with my favourite cranberry juice throughout the day I think I found the best, you do get used to it.. Maybe don't try the full recommended 100mls at once I did that once and it made my eyes water.


I noticed after 2 weeks I could comfortably eat pretty much any meal with barely any bloating, no pain, and my stomach just felt settled. I also noticed my skin is clearing up and I'm slowly returning to myself again I feel alot calmer and knowing I can eat most things again without my tummy reacting to it and pain is just a huge relief. After having my gallbladder out in 2021 my whole digestive system got out of sorts. My body felt different, so finding a solution to this issue has been my top priority.


LiveBrew is a combination of lots of fresh, live, and active lactobacilli and other microbes, along with the beneficial metabolites (organic acids, mostly) produced by those microbes.

Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus
Lactobacillus rhamnosus
Lactobacillus paracasei
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Streptococcus thermophilus

Research has documented many different beneficial mechanisms of action for probiotic microbes and the organic acids produced by those microbes. These mechanisms of action affect everything from mood and anxiety, chronic disease, & skin health, to acute and chronic gut issues. Positive changes in your gut biome and gut health can provide increased energy, improved sleep, and other general benefits that emerge from improvements in the way the complex systems in your gut and body interact with each other. All of these mechanisms of action require an abundance of good bugs and the metabolites these bugs make and LiveBrew is a superior source!

Information from Live Brews website so you have the full product description, on this amazing product.

This product is bio grow organic certified so anyone who is particularly into their health products will know that's a pretty special certification to have.

https://youtu.be/9HogY_in2n4 you tube clip on Live Brews product check it out.

I would recommend this product to anyone 10/10 thank you livebrew for the samples was definitely worth me trialling this and I will keep up with it daily.

Use my product code CHARZ10

To get 10% off your first order and try this life-changing product today

Valid until 15/04/2023
