Are you looking for a low impact, relaxing, stress relief exercise from the comfort of your own home? Pilates is a great form of exercise which is relaxing and at the same time great for creating and toning long lean muscles, improving your mood and helping you to tackle your day to day routine.

I came across Emma - my e-Pilates online instructor one day when I was recovering from an illness and signed up for a 14 day free class to see if I would enjoy it. At the time she was advertising it on Facebook. Emma has trained people from all around the world and has had years of experience, so I knew she would be the right trainer for me. Each day I was sent a new video via email with different Pilates moves, which engaged every muscle in my body. I was looking for low impact exercise but at the same time something to destress and unwind after a hard day at work. When I put Emma’s videos on - her lovely nature and calming positive personality drew me to her and each day, I kept coming back for more of that good feeling.

I was really not flexible when I first started but as the routines went on I started to feel a lot better about the moves and like Emma explains in the videos you can just take it at your own pace. Each Pilates move she does throughout her workouts are explained to you, so you can be confident you are doing the moves correctly.

The key benefits of Pilates is, it can strengthen your core muscles, unlike any other exercise. it is the best work out when it comes to developing core strength. Also If you already exercise on a regular basis, you might know some of the benefits of Pilates already like relaxation, reducing stress and boosting your mood.

As Pilates are low impact you can do as many classes a week as you like, I like to do 3-4 a week to see the noticeable changes in my body. Combine with cardio like walking, running or treadmill you will definitely see changes to your body.

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I had the privilege to have a chat with Emma Jory my Pilates teacher above, the woman behind to give you some background on Pilates and why it is so beneficial for your health.

How long have you worked as a Pilates Instructor?
I have worked for 19 years as a pilates instructor.
Training a wide range of people from all around the world her ability to connect with her members makes her very sought after.

What made you provide free classes to every day woman?
My goal is to help as many people as possible feel the benefits of pilates and experience the changes in their mind and body that I have felt. Free classes give people the opportunity to try it and experience it.

Differences between Pilates & Yoga?
1. Focuses on strengthening – especially the core and smaller stabilizing muscles of the joins. Pilates works the body with a stable base of support.
2. Is a more physical form of exercise with a focus on the both and living a health lifestyle
3. Pilates is dynamic and usually keeps you moving. There is less holding poses and stretches. Although there are various styles that do add stretches.
4. Pilates is uses for rehabilitation with great success, and often works alongside physiotherapy. Depending on the style of Pilates is offers modifications suitable for injury and can be tailored to most body types. Sometimes props or equipment are used to help rehabilitation.
5. Developed by German born, Joseph H. Pilates during World War 1. He drew influences from Yoga and many other forms of exercises such as martial arts, acrobatics and weight lifting.
1. Focuses more on stretching, flexibility and strength. It’s focus is more so looking at the whole body as the core (again depending on the style you practice).
2. Yoga has a far more spiritual element as well as physical and also focuses on breath and a healthy lifestyle.
3. Yoga (depending on the style) can be dynamic and have a flow, yet can also focus on holding poses and stretches.
4. Yoga is also great for rehabilitation, and sometimes also needs to be modified depending on your specific injury. Some yoga styles are better suited for rehabilitation or modifying for your specific body type, such as Iyengar. Yoga also uses props to modify.
5. Yoga originated in India. The Yoga Sutras (aphorisms or sentences) were written about 2000 years ago by a sage (someone who has attained wisdom) called Pantanjali. Answers courtesy of Emma’s blog online

What is your favourite workout to teach Pilates, Barre or yoga?
I prefer pilates as I’ve always liked exercising lying down, but on a serious note, I like pilates for the deep core focus and how we lengthen and realign the body.

Who are your routines good for?
Pilates is great for everyone of all ages. It can be adapted when you have an injury so you can still workout. It builds strength, stretches you and gives you control over your body. Everyone benefits from all of those improvements in their body. Pilates is great to help recover from injury and also to improve posture. Especially great when we are all bunched over devices each day.
Women of all ages including 50,60’s love my classes as they are interested to improve their core strength and prevent osteoarthritis in later years, as Pilates is a form of weight bearing.

How does Pilates tone your body?
Pilates tones the body in all the right places. We work the inner thighs, glutes, outer hips and back muscles which makes up the core. It lengthens the body at the same time

What are some exciting new things coming up?
* We have a new challenge coming up in March- using hand weights . Offered to non members for $25 this will be the first time we have ran this challenge. No special equipment is necessary - just some soup cans is fine! Or bottles filled with water.
* There will be a free 7 day trial on offer after the challenge

Check out Emma’s website today, try one of her free classes and see if the exercise routines are right for you. And or join Emma Core Fit club today for as little as USD 3.12 per week.

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Thank you to Emma for not only sharing your information and working with me on my blog, and for helping people everywhere worldwide with their fitness goals including myself. You truly are an amazing inspiring woman and I will continue to train with you and keep up with your core fit club.

Don’t delay ladies Pilates could well change your life and make you enjoy exercise again, because exercise should be fun and if you stick with it the results are simply amazing.

Charz 2023

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