As women in 2023 we all lead a very fast paced lifestyle. Whether we have children to organise and look after, or your a business woman, taking time out for ourselves is so important to not only prevent burn out, but also to give the best version of ourselves to our loved ones around us daily.


Self care is the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s well being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.

Being a strong independent woman, I don't often realise I am over doing it until I either get a cold or I get that stressy rushing feeling, you know the one where your mind is in a million places and you start misplacing things, your to do list gets longer and your just plain overwhelmed with every day life.

So one way I unwind especially if I am having a crazy busy day at work is to believe it or not go to my local library, take a book or magazine off the shelf and sit in silence for say 20 minutes. By refocusing my energy to the book and sitting in that silence my mind clears and I feel refreshed to go back and tackle my work again. Or i also take a walk down at the Tauranga Waterfront sea air is a magic mind clearer, and is my other go to destress option with my music.

I think too many people eat their lunch at their desk and don't get out into the world at lunch time to unwind their mind.

Self Care comes in many forms. So it's choosing something that works well for you and practicing it on a daily or weekly basis let's say Sunday.

Whether it be reading a book, meditating, putting on a face mask, going to the gym, reorganizing your closet or taking a nice walk in nature by taking the time to do this your body can unwind, and refresh itself from the busy ness of day to day life.

My personal favourite place in the world to go to is the redwoods forest in Rotorua New Zealand. Something about that forest refreshes me, my mind goes clear, my skin goes soft and when I breathe in deeply I guess I feel at one with nature. I walk out with a clear mind and forgot what I was so worried about.

By pouring energy away from what is stressing you out this creates a new way for you to tackle what's coming.

However you choose self care just remember ladies taking time out for yourself is not selfish, it is crucial for your health and wellbeing.

Let me know how you practice self care I would love to hear your feedback.


Charz 2023