Self care is so important to us all right now as we navigate through a new way of life. One of my favourite self care routines is a good face mask and a relax with a green tea. 

My favourite face mask is from Living Nature Their deep cleansing halloysite and anti microbrial manuka extract face mask, nourishes deep down for a good clean and renews your skin and refines your pores.

I have been using this face mask for over a year now. Having not really liked the sheet masks out there, I definitely see the results each time I use this product and my make up applies easier. My skin is soft, pores look smaller and my skin just has a natural rosy glow about it.

As our skin absorbs what we put on it, it's really important to me to use natural products. Having used both chemical and natural, natural is definitely better for my skin less harsh and I have better results.


Try living nature halloysite clay deep cleansing face mask today your skin will thank you for it.


Charz 2022