Motivation is so important! If you have goals that you want to achieve, then this is the key drive behind it. Have you ever just went from being really motivated, focussed and driven, to all of the sudden having no motivation? I’ve been there. I was just there before Christmas I was feeling burnt out and tired and lacking motivation. I needed a break from everything in my life to reset.

I came up with 8 ways to regain and keep your motivation thriving into this new year.




Create your vibe! Relieve some of that stress and put yourself in the mood to get work done by taking an hour to clean and organize around you. Or if it's say creating a vibe for the gym make sure your gym bag is packed and ready with all you require and keep it in your car with you and or at work so there is no excuse to not go.


It’s easy to lose motivation when you feel overwhelmed. Trying to do everything without giving yourself a break is hard. It might feel like you have no time but trust me, you are going to be much more productive if you take a break and come back ready to get in the zone, rather than pushing through. Give yourself the break you can, whether that’s a weekend, a day, or an hour. Go do something for you and come back feeling refreshed and ready to take on those goals again.


This is another trigger for stress and loss of motivation. Taking care of yourself is one of the most important things to do, in my opinion. Drink enough water, eat food that’s good for you, and get your daily movement and exercise in. When you take care of you, you will accomplish more in other areas of your life. If your feeling in a good space with yourself it will make it easier to achieve your goals on a day to day basis and build the habit to achieve them.


It’s up to you as to what feels more beneficial. Maybe both. Sometimes we need to just take a bit to clear our minds and think about absolutely nothing and just meditate. Other times, it’s a matter of getting comfy, closing your eyes and thinking about everything you’ve accomplished thus far. Whether you’re on day two of your journey, month two or year two, there must be something you have accomplished so far that feels great that you can be proud of.


Speaking of goals, do you know what yours are and how you’re going to accomplish them? You might somewhat know the direction you’re wanting to go in but taking the time to sit down and physically write them down can be motivating. Write a little blurb of how you’re going to really accomplish these goals and have a daily diary you can refer to to keep accountable. Give yourself a timeline and a way to measure your progress. Even if your timeline consists of a to-do list on the things you’re trying to accomplish each day, visualizing what you need to do and physically crossing off what you have done is such a motivation.


When you’ve lost motivation, sometimes it’s hard to want to put time towards your goals. For example, if your goal is to write a book, it’s easy to just spend all your free time and hours just writing. That’s good! Take advantage of that motivation! But when your motivation begins to falter, don’t just completely stop writing. Push yourself and schedule a set amount of time to do what you need to do. A time when you don’t have anything else to do so that you can’t make excuses. Write for 30 minutes or an hour, and don’t critique yourself, just do it to maintain the habit and hold your place for when that motivation comes back. You don’t feel motivated at the gym? Don’t just stop going take your gym clothes to work and get either straight into them at lunch or straight after work. Having a friend to go with is also a great motivation push.


Know that your loss of motivation is temporary, and you will find it again. Make efforts to keep on pushing yourself! Look at the bigger picture and remember why you are doing what you’re doing! Are you working overtime because you need the money or are trying to get a promotion? Don’t dwell on the now if you feel like you can’t do it anymore. Visualize how you are going to feel in the future and why you’re doing what you’re doing. Just keep reminding yourself that this feeling is just temporary.


Look up to others who have accomplished what you’re trying to accomplish. They went through the same struggles, stresses, and loss of motivation at times too. They overcame their obstacles, and you can overcome yours too. Find these inspirations and use them as mentors to persevere through the struggles you’re facing. Ask them for advice or help. People want to help each other! We want to connect with one and another and we want to be examples for others and use others as an example for the success we desire! Finding your inspiration may be the push you need to regain your motivation.

Maybe you might just need time. Don’t give up on your passions, your goals and all that you want to accomplish just because you have temporarily lost the motivation. Because when you achieve those goals it's going to feel satisfying.


Whether it's new years resolutions or long term goals remember that little steps towards your goal is most rewarding.

Let me know your thoughts on motivation via my Instagram handle or email me through my blog contact page with how you keep your motivation up.

Charz 2023