I think we can all agree we have all had a pretty tough time over the past few years with the pandemic disrupting our every day life.. I'm here to talk about keeping our stress levels in check and taking regular breaks to avoid burnout.

Last year I pretty much worked right through, I could feel myself getting really tired and edgy and wasn't feeling myself. I didn't realise I was so stressed and run down and I think we can all agree that your body will tell you when your not feeling great or overwhelmed.

There are some great ways to relieve stress and this is where I came across some self care tips, that are simple to do but make a huge difference to your health and well being.

1. Journaling - whenever I have had a particularly stressful day at work my mind would be churning over and I couldn't sleep. So I decided to write down those thoughts I was having when they came to me ie in the middle of the night and this would help me return to resting. When you look at those thoughts later on I think you process and look at it differently and you are able to come up with solutions. Journaling also is a way of venting your frustrations out on something, other than your partner or friends and family. Bookshops nationwide sell journals or even just a notebook will do.

2. Reconnecting with nature and the outdoors

I try to get out at least once a week for a bush walk, mountain bike ride, or the beach just to disconnect from the pressures of every day life. Connecting with nature is my unwind it helps me refresh for the next week coming. Just 30 minutes walk in a forest has so many health benefits. Boosts immune system, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress and increases energy levels. Next time your feeling blah try it you will be surprised of the impact. My favourite is redwood forests in Rotorua for some reason that forest when I'm in it my thoughts disappear I am just surrounded by beautiful trees and birds chirping.

3. Disconnecting from your phone an hour before bed

Studies have shown that watching social media on your phone, you tube, or a movie one hour before bed can have a significant impact on your sleep. By putting your electronic devices down 1 hour before bed this helps our minds unwind.

Unwinding for an hour before bed and perhaps reading a book, doing some self care like a face mask or having a nice hot shower can really help your body relax and prepare for sleep.

4. Booking a holiday

This one goes without saying that the human bodies are not designed to work constantly week in week out without a holiday. Just even a long weekend away can make a difference to your mood and give you that motivation back. So take that holiday you will wonder why you hadn't done it sooner. There are plenty of great spots locally you can go or even just spending time at home with loved ones away from the work environment can make a difference.

5. Confide in a friend

This is perhaps my favourite way to destress. A problem shared is a problem halved as they say. Confiding in a good friend of your issues can really help you see things from a different perspective. I think alot of the times we think of something a particular event and how it is affecting us, but the people closest to us may have a different way of looking at it, which can help us overcome the issue. Friends are our most treasured relationships in life but don't forget this goes both ways be prepared to listen to their troubles also. Being able to help someone else also gets your mind off your own issues.

I hope these few tips will help to reduce any stress or burnout you are starting to feel. Remember to listen to your body and slow down once in a while. Your body will thank you for it. 💙


Charz 2022